Tell us about your company… : Party Bus Phoenix provides entertainment based transportation for a plethora of different events! Whether you’re looking for a ride to a spontaneous get together or a major life milestone, we’ve got you covered. Our high quality vehicles will make your night one to remember.
How did you get started in the wedding business? The owner started the business after dealing with unsatisfactory transportation in the past, and weddings came along with it!
What makes your different from other businesses in the field? We listen to the customers needs above all else, and ensure our vehicles are up to date with all of the amenities for your liking.
Why do you like working with weddings? It’s great to be a part of such a poignant part in peoples lives.
What was the most difficult situation you have faced with a client and how did you resolve it? The most difficult situation for any transportation company is having to disappoint a client because of unforeseen vehicle problems! However, this is easily remedied by sending the client an upgrade vehicle for free to ensure their wedding is not affected.
From a vendor’s perspective, what’s the best piece of advice you can give to engaged couples? Patience is everything, remember why you’re getting married and let that feeling take over above all else!